ver 1.7.1
- Fixed: kirki repeater compatibility issues
ver 1.7
- Refactored: overall css/js reformatting
- Updated: jkdevkit 1.9.2 compatibility
- Updated: bundled plugins
- Updated: translation files
- Updated: php 8.3 support
ver 1.6.4
- Fixed: slider pagination alignment
- Updated: woocommerce templates
ver 1.6.3
- Fixed: bio wrapper for guest users
- Fixed: author name size when the text multiplier exceeds 120
- Fixed: empty bookmark link in the bookmarks sub-menu
ver 1.6.2
- Fixed: rtl icons
- Fixed: body text multiplier
ver 1.6.1
- Fixed: avatars bug
- Fixed: multiauthors bug
- Updated: woocommerce templates
ver 1.6
- Improved: post authors display
- Improved: woocommerce cart styles
- Fixed: guest authors bug
- Refactored: theme code has been cleaned and analyzed according to the latest php 8.3 standards
- Updated: woocommerce templates
ver 1.5.5
- Improved: lqip animation
- Improved: lqip handler
- Improved: woocommerce styles quality
- Fixed: small css issues with single post
- New: fields to edit likes/views manually
- New: single post sidebar + settings for it
- New: visual display of post meta data within the posts list
- New: reading time divisor setting
ver 1.5.4
- Fixed: "no template" issues
- Updated: jkdevkit 1.8.91 compatibility
ver 1.5.3
- Updated: jkdevkit 1.8.9 compatibility
ver 1.5.2
- Improved: image sizes
- Fixed: critical bug with elementor v3.22.1
- New: demo xml file with optimized images
- Updated: bundled acf pro plugin
ver 1.5.1
- Improved: amp styles
- Fixed: issues with sidebar on archive pages
- Fixed: issues with logotype in amp version
- New: adaptive color scheme settings
- Updated: js/css libraries
ver 1.5
- Improved: responsive styles
- Fixed: draft pages in post grids
- Fixed: draft pages in post sliders
- New: toggle to disable a color scheme switcher on mobile
- Updated: jkdevkit 1.8.5 compatibility
ver 1.4.3
- Fixed: non-working link in categories slider
- Performance: image sizes
- Performance: woocommerce styles & scripts
- Performance: reduced extra dom nesting
- Updated: translation .pot files
ver 1.4.2
- Improved: comment styles on mobile devices
- Fixed: bug with hover on links in the footer
- New: translation settings for common strings
- New: width selection settings for single post container
- New: key points functionality for single posts
- New: full support for eztoc (table of contents)
ver 1.4.1
- Fixed: issues with local setting for toggling navigation per page
- New: local setting to setup a custom menu per page
- New: global setting to set the navigation box shadow
- New: global setting to configure scrolling animation for mobile navigation
- Security: new wp_nonce for all ajax requests
ver 1.4
- Fixed: bug with masonry on archive
- New: settings for selecting navigation layout (boxed/wide)
- New: container width setting
- New: single post settings to disable author, category, date, and bookmark button
- New: post grids settings to disable author, category, date, and bookmark button
- New: post sliders settings to disable author, category, date, and bookmark button
- New: posts packery settings to disable author, category, date, and bookmark button
- New: coauthors integration (multi authors)
- Performance: overall css size reduction
- Refactored: core plugin structure / code quality
ver 1.3.7
- Deprecated: reset the order button text to the default one
- Fixed: top bar offset (for admin users)
- Refactored: after import handler
- Refactored: woocommerce custom filter/actions
- Refactored: theme template files
ver 1.3.6
- Improved: mailchimp form bottom offset
- Improved: posts grid type 12 styles
- Fixed: order received offset issues
- Fixed: broken layout if the wishlist page is not selected.
- New: wishlist page setup on demo import
ver 1.3.5
- Deprecated: removed box shadow from the inputs and textarea fields
- Deprecated: removed border from the single post banner (if no image)
- Deprecated: removed border and added background to the bio simple style
- Improved: product review form styles
- Fixed: absence of a link to the post in the featured post widget
- Fixed: mailchimp response styles
- Fixed: posts slider style 8 link overlay
- Fixed: posts grid style 8 category color
- New: addtoany options setup on demo import
ver 1.3.4
- Fixed: issues with single post styles
- Fixed: overlay bug in recent posts
- Fixed: overlay of the search icon on the placeholder in the search form
- Fixed: cart coupon code bug with wrapping
- New: cf7 response output styles
- Updated: woocommerce templates
ver 1.3.3
- Improved: category submenu styles
- Improved: centered the buttons (- and +) for quantity input
- Fixed: bug with text alignment in the recent posts on a single post
- Fixed: issues with recent posts category label in the footer
- Fixed: bottom border issues in the top bar on tablets
- Fixed: navigation top offset on tablets
- Fixed: cart quantity input width
- Fixed: checkboxes on mobile
- Fixed: addtoany modal search field styles
- Fixed: incorrect image scaling on mobile devices
- Fixed: offset in the social list in the author bio widget (footer)
ver 1.3.2
- Fixed: critical issues with ajax handlers
- Fixed: issue where the top bar was always showing for admin users
- Fixed: js error in users list widget
ver 1.3.1
- Updated: woocommerce templates
- Updated: ti wishlist templates
ver 1.3
- Updated: xml demo file
- Updated: kirki demo file
- Updated: acf pro bundled plugin
ver 1.2.2
- Deprecated: removed extra settings
- Improved: posts grid adapting for archive pages
- Improved: footer widgets
- Improved: table styles
- New: amp compatibility
- New: amp menu location
- New: block editor compatibility
- Performance: css code (reduced size of identifiers)
- Refactored: button widget
ver 1.2.1
- Improved: 404 page responsive styles
- Improved: typography on mobile
- Improved: wishlist responsive styles
- Improved: cart and checkout responsive styles
- Improved: checkboxes & radio buttons
- Improved: select2 styles
- Improved: product reviews
- Improved: single product gallery responsive styles
- Improved: mobile menu styles
- Improved: page header responsive styles
- Improved: shop responsive styles
- Improved: single post responsive styles
- Improved: section title
- Improved: copyright section in footer responsive styles
- Improved: post packery style 2, 3 responsive styles
- Improved: posts grid style 1, 2, 3, 8 responsive styles
- Improved: posts slider style 1, 3 responsive styles
- Fixed: elementor view issues with theme widgets
- Fixed: quantity issues
- Fixed: date duplication
- New: top bar + 5 new settings for it
- Performance: code reformatting & refactoring
ver 1.2
- Deprecated: unused references
- Improved: banner styles
- Improved: section titles on mobile
- Improved: posts packery responsive styles
- Improved: sliders responsive styles
- Fixed: cf7 alignment & width
- New: elementor container width setter on demo import finish handler
- Performance: overall css quality
- Updated: demo import process
- Updated: wishlist templates
ver 1.1
- Improved: handler for reading time
- Improved: search input and search form
- Improved: responsive styles for posts packery style 4
- Improved: responsive styles for section titles
- Improved: responsive styles for categories mega menu
- Fixed: frame options for the login page
- Fixed: word break issues on single post
- Fixed: a bug with the width of the contact form
- Fixed: malfunctioning permalinks in singular post style 1
- Fixed: display of taxonomy menu item
- Fixed: improper positioning for alerts in shop
- New: target blank to social icons
- Updated: woocommerce templates
ver 1.0
- New: initial theme