Light Dark

*to close search form press ESC or close toggle

  • ver 2.7


    • Deprecated: extra wishlist templates
    • Improved: mobile styles
    • Improved: single product styles
    • Improved: wishlist styles
    • Fixed: minor design issues
    • Performance: optimized css code
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: after demo import setup
  • ver 2.6.4


    • Fixed: elementor 3.22.1 compatibility issues
    • Refactored: code reformatting & refactoring
  • ver 2.6.3


    • Updated: demo import url
  • ver 2.6.2


    • Refactored: js/css refactoring and reformatting
    • Updated: jkdevkit 1.7.5 compatibility
    • Updated: wordpress 6.5+ compatibility
    • Updated: php 8.3+ compatibility
  • ver 2.6.1


    • Improved: after import handler
    • Fixed: empty services tabs inside the elementor editor mode
    • Refactored: overall theme files
    • Security: added a protective abspath pattern to the walker class
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
  • ver 2.6


    • Deprecated: removed events calendar unused styles
    • Improved: mobile version for instagram feed
    • Improved: styles for the wishlist button
    • Improved: mobile version of the top banner
    • Improved: the mobile version overall for all widgets and main theme elements
    • Improved: track order form
    • Fixed: minor demo import issues
    • Fixed: wrapping for the menu on the 404 page
    • Fixed: sidebar bugs on the shop page
    • Fixed: page header top offset with transparent navigation enabled
    • Fixed: ngnix compatibility issues
    • Performance: educed the size of css files
    • Refactored: core theme class refactoring and reformatting
    • Security: wordpress 6.4 compatibility (security related)
    • Updated: demo import link
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
  • ver 2.5


    • Deprecated: revomed the old font selector
    • New: introduced fonts picker in customizer
    • New: post like/views handler
    • Updated: php 8.2+ compatibility
    • Updated: jkdevkit 1.7 integration
    • Updated: css/js libraries updates
    • Updated: wordpress 6.3+ compatibility
    • Updated: new theme/plugin autoupdates
    • Updated: jkdevkit transferred to the separate plugin
    • Updated: localization/translation files
    • Updated: demo import files
    • Updated: new version of acf plugin
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: new elementor builder version compatibility
  • ver 2.0


    • Deprecated: legacy font selector in customizer
    • Improved: license checker
    • Improved: deactivation handler
    • Improved: dashboard performance
    • Improved: overall optimization
    • Improved: global code refactoring
    • Improved: custom templates feature
    • Fixed: single post meta bugs
    • Fixed: design issues
    • Fixed: shopping cart bugs
    • Fixed: navigation bugs
    • New: jkdevkit v1.2 (new iteration)
    • New: advanced fonts library
    • New: low-power mode
    • Security: dashboard security
    • Updated: status tab
    • Updated: changelog tab
    • Updated: tools handler
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: ti wishlist templates
    • Updated: js/css libraries
  • ver 1.8.2


    • Updated: jkdevkit to version 1.5
  • ver 1.8.1


    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: ti wishlist templates
  • ver 1.8


    • Improved: images quality on products loop
    • Improved: shopping cart handler
    • Fixed: load more button translation
    • Fixed: loading messages translation
    • Fixed: blank edit address page
    • Fixed: my addresses placeholders
    • Fixed: shop load more handler
    • New: heading size selector for page header
    • New: ratio selector for product images
    • New: promotional bar under navigation + settings for it
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: ti wishlist templates
  • ver 1.7


    • Improved: navigation walker (jkd_walker class)
    • Improved: customizer settings
    • Improved: code refactoring
    • Improved: css optimization
    • Improved: woocommerce custom handlers
    • Fixed: mobile menu sub-menus
    • Fixed: desktop megamenu titles now clickable
    • Fixed: single product gallery arrows for square images
    • Fixed: js errors
    • Fixed: before/after sections now working for archives and woocommerce pages
    • Fixed: theme check issues
    • Fixed: page header issues
    • New: ‘whats new’ dashboard tab
    • New: setting for choosing single product image ratio
    • New: ability to overwrite core templates (via themes/qreatix/jkd-templates folder)
    • Updated: jkdevkit framework to version 1.3
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: php 8.1 compatibility
    • Updated: localization files
  • ver 1.6


    • Deprecated: optimization settings (use lazyline and nitrol plugins instead)
    • Fixed: before/after section setting issues
    • Fixed: customizer incorrect settings position
    • New: settings for color scheme
    • New: settings for global styles
    • Performance: removed extra/unused css code
    • Refactored: css overall refactoring
    • Updated: localization files
    • Updated: shopping cart functionality
    • Updated: jkdevkit to version 1.2
  • ver 1.5.1


    • Deprecated: _register_controls method deprecated issue
    • Refactored: added phpdocs
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: jkdevstudio framework version to 1.2
    • Updated: copyrights
  • ver 1.5


    • Improved: page header styles
    • Fixed: mobile page header styles
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
  • ver 1.4.1


    • Fixed: activation database slugs
  • ver 1.4


    • Deprecated: legacy custom fonts panel (new modern panel will be added in 1.8.1)
    • Improved: blog grid handler
    • Improved: global code refactoring
    • Improved: swiper slider handlers
    • Improved: search results page
    • Fixed: incorrect ajax shopping cart totals calculating
    • Fixed: incorrect ajax shopping cart item removal
    • Fixed: swiper slider duplication (elementor related)
    • Fixed: bug with accordions widget content
    • New: added compatibility for lazyline plugin (lazy-load & lqip)
    • New: dynamic changelog
    • New: theme dashboard
    • Performance: auto adding srcset/sizes attributes to images
    • Performance: auto adding title/alt attributes to images
    • Performance: auto adding width/height attributes to images
    • Performance: auto adding lazy loading attribute to images
    • Updated: localization files
    • Updated: copyrights
    • Updated: js/css libraries
    • Updated: button widget slug
  • ver 1.3


    • Improved: swiper slider handlers
    • Improved: search results page
    • Updated: demo import link
    • Updated: localization files
    • Updated: copyrights
    • Updated: js/css libraries
  • ver 1.2.1


    • Fixed: shop minimal style issues;
    • Fixed: cart totals incorrect value;
    • Fixed: shop alert icons;
    • Fixed: sidebar alignment issues;
    • Fixed: shop header issues;
    • Fixed: shop filter fixed type issues;
    • Updated: ti wishlist templates
    • Updated: woocommerce thumbnail sizes
  • ver 1.2


    • Fixed: shop minimal style issues
    • Fixed: cart totals incorrect value
    • Fixed: shop alert icons with broken styles
  • ver 1.1


    • Fixed: auto-updating issues
    • Fixed: theme registration issues
    • Fixed: demo import issues
  • ver 1.0


    • New: initial theme