ver 3.1.1
- Deprecated: php 7.2 support
- Refactored: overall css/js reformatting
- Updated: jkdevkit 1.8.5 compatibility
- Updated: wordpress 6.5 compatibility
ver 3.1
- Improved: overall responsive
- Improved: mobile navigation styles
- Improved: comments responsive
- Improved: incorrect logotype alignment
- Improved: team slider responsive
- Improved: info slider responsive
ver 3.0
- Deprecated: revomed the old font selector
- Deprecated: removed visual portfolio
- Fixed: loadmore issues
- Fixed: modal video toggles
- Fixed: contact form 7 issues
- New: added rtl support
- New: 50+ new settings
- New: introduced fonts picker in customizer
- New: post like/views handler
- New: navigation settings in theme options
- New: introduces new portfolio
- New: header/footer for elementor plugin compatibility
- Updated: php 8.2+ compatibility
- Updated: jkdevkit 1.7 integration
- Updated: css/js libraries updates
- Updated: wordpress 6.3+ compatibility
- Updated: new theme/plugin autoupdates
- Updated: jkdevkit transferred to the separate plugin
- Updated: localization/translation files
- Updated: demo import files
- Updated: new version of acf plugin
- Updated: woocommerce templates
- Updated: new elementor builder version compatibility
- Updated: icons update (font awesome/icofont)
ver 2.6.2
- New: introduced one-click demo import
- Refactored: refactored typography settings
ver 2.6.1
- Improved: enhanced typography options
- Fixed: fixed minor header responsiveness
- New: added woocommerce compatibility
ver 2.6
- Deprecated: deprecated outdated metabox options
- Performance: optimized slider transition animations
ver 2.5
- Fixed: fixed gallery lightbox alignment
ver 2.4
- Fixed: social list toggle in navigation
- Updated: css/js libraries
ver 2.3
- Deprecated: unused code from the theme dashboard class
- Updated: wordpress 5.9.2 compatibility
- Updated: css/js libraries
ver 2.2
- Security: security snippets
- Updated: wp 5.9 compatibility
ver 2.1
- New: new theme dashboard
- Refactored: overall code quality
- Refactored: code refactoring
- Updated: localization files
- Updated: copyrights
- Updated: js/css libraries
ver 2.0
- Security: patched potential xml-rpc vulnerability
- Updated: updated social media integration
ver 1.9
- Deprecated: deprecated old shortcode options
- Improved: rnhanced related projects display
- New: added gradient color options
- Refactored: refactored theme customization options
ver 1.8
- Fixed: fixed minor sidebar layout issue
- Performance: optimized widget rendering speed
ver 1.7
- Deprecated: deprecated outdated theme hooks
- Improved: enhanced image gallery styling
- New: introduced multi-language support
- Refactored: refactored theme initialization scripts
- Security: patched potential security loophole
- Updated: updated jquery scripts for efficiency
ver 1.6
- Fixed: fixed author box display in rtl
- Performance: optimized font loading for speed
- Security: patched potential xss vulnerability
ver 1.5
- Improved: enhanced contact form design
- New: added parallax scroll effect
- Refactored: refactored custom post type code
- Updated: updated recommended plugins list
ver 1.4
- Deprecated: deprecated outdated widget options
- Improved: enhanced single project layout
- Fixed: fixed gallery slider responsiveness
- New: introduced dark mode feature
- Performance: optimized lazy loading for images
- Security: improved password encryption methods
- Updated: updated translation files
ver 1.3
- Deprecated: deprecated ie 11 support
- Fixed: resolved minor rtl styling issues
- Performance: optimized css file size
- Refactored: refactored theme options panel
- Security: patched potential login vulnerability
- Updated: updated demo content import
ver 1.2
- Deprecated: deprecated old color presets
- Performance: optimized image preloading
- Refactored: refactored footer widget styles
ver 1.1
- Improved: enhanced portfolio grid layout
- Fixed: resolved menu dropdown alignment
- New: added pinterest share option
- Security: improved user data validation
- Updated: updated fontawesome icon set
ver 1.0
- New: initial theme