Light Dark

*to close search form press ESC or close toggle

  • ver 2.7.2


    • Fixed: color scheme switcher
  • ver 2.7.1


    • Improved: adaptive color scheme handler
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
  • ver 2.7


    • Fixed: new elementor version issues
    • Fixed: minor design issues
    • New: adaptive color scheme setting
    • Performance: css optimization
    • Refactored: overall refactoring & reformatting
    • Updated: jkdevkit 1.8.8+ compatibility
  • ver 2.6.5


    • Fixed: blog two side avatar issues
    • Performance: css has been processed through a smart autoprefixer for improved compatibility with older browsers
    • Refactored: php code reformatting + cleanup
    • Updated: jkdevkit 1.8.5+ compatibility
  • ver 2.6.4


    • Improved: php8.3+ compatibility
    • Fixed: tiles grid filter issues
    • Refactored: overall code reformatting & optimization
  • ver 2.6.3


    • Improved: php8.1+ compatibility
    • New: main category setting for portfolio
    • New: updated list of icons in navigation settings
    • Refactored: overall code quality
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: ti wishlist templates
  • ver 2.6.2


    • Deprecated: revomed the old events calendar styles
    • Fixed: minor css issues
    • Updated: css/js libraries
    • Updated: wordpress 6.4.3+ compatibility
  • ver 2.6.1


    • New: extra logo setting
    • New: footer logo setting
    • Performance: extra css reduced
    • Updated: new version of acf plugin
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
  • ver 2.6


    • Deprecated: revomed the old font selector
    • Deprecated: revomed the kirki slugs
    • Deprecated: revomed the events calendar support
    • New: introduced fonts picker in customizer
    • New: post like/views handler
    • Updated: php 8.2+ compatibility
    • Updated: jkdevkit 1.7 integration
    • Updated: css/js libraries
    • Updated: wordpress 6.3+ compatibility
    • Updated: new theme/plugin autoupdates
    • Updated: jkdevkit transferred to the separate plugin
    • Updated: localization/translation files
    • Updated: demo import files
    • Updated: new elementor builder version compatibility
  • ver 2.3.1


    • Fixed: blog templates bugs
    • Fixed: translation issues
    • Fixed: minor css issues
  • ver 2.3


    • Fixed: button styles
    • Fixed: blog archive styles
    • Fixed: archive page header
    • Fixed: swiper slider bugs
    • Fixed: circular gallery js errors
    • Fixed: blog two side style issues
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: reduced size of css/js files
  • ver 2.2


    • Improved: js/css files size
    • Improved: js/css refactoring
    • Improved: elements selector sizes
    • Improved: reduced css selectors sizes
    • Improved: reformatted all php code
    • Fixed: jkdevkit fonts manager issues
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: js/css libraries
  • ver 2.1


    • Improved: overall theme optimization
    • Improved: responsive styles
    • Improved: theme refactoring
    • Improved: navigation menu i
    • Improved: javascript handlers
    • Fixed: javascript issues
    • Fixed: php 8.1 compatibility issues
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: jkdevkit styles | functionality
    • Updated: events calendar styles
    • Updated: demo import files
  • ver 2.0.1


    • Fixed: automatic domain verification
  • ver 2.0


    • Deprecated: legacy font selector in customizer
    • Improved: dashboard security
    • Improved: license checker
    • Improved: deactivation handler
    • Improved: dashboard performance
    • Improved: overall optimization
    • Improved: global code refactoring
    • Improved: custom templates feature
    • Fixed: single post meta bugs
    • Fixed: portfolio meta bugs
    • Fixed: design issues
    • Fixed: shopping cart bugs
    • Fixed: navigation bugs
    • New: jkdevkit v1.2 (new iteration)
    • New: advanced fonts library
    • New: low-power mode
    • Updated: status tab
    • Updated: changelog tab
    • Updated: tools handler
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: ti wishlist templates
    • Updated: js/css libraries
  • ver 1.9.8


    • Fixed: activation issues with support expired
  • ver 1.9.7


    • Fixed: jkdevkit issues
  • ver 1.9.6


    • Fixed: jkdevkit missing stylesheet
  • ver 1.9.5


    • Fixed: events calendar dropdown button
    • Fixed: margin in the events meta information
    • Fixed: shopping cart closing button
    • Updated: events homepage query (now posts displayed by real events date)
    • Updated: re-generated assets
  • ver 1.9.4


    • Fixed: shopping cart quantity
    • Fixed: shop alerts alignment
    • Fixed: comments area styles
    • Fixed: count label styles
  • ver 1.9.3


    • Improved: shopping bag functionality
    • Fixed: single product / shop navigation issues
    • Fixed: comments empty space
    • New: booked plugin integration
    • New: before/after section settings
    • New: navigation/footer settings
    • New: portfolio additional meta settings
    • New: social links for mobile menu
    • New: custom cpts slug settings
  • ver 1.9.2


    • Updated: wordpress 6.0 compatibility
  • ver 1.9.1


    • Fixed: activation popup
  • ver 1.9


    • Improved: navigation walker (jkd_walker class)
    • Improved: customizer settings
    • Improved: code refactoring
    • Improved: css optimization
    • Improved: woocommerce custom handlers
    • Fixed: single post style setting
    • Fixed: js errors
    • New: ‘whats new’ dashboard tab
    • New: setting for choosing search form toggle position
    • New: setting for choosing single product image ratio
    • New: events to close popups/overlays/menus
    • New: custom color-scheme classes
    • New: jkd animations for elementor animations
    • New: opacity setting for text/heading widgets
    • New: secondary background setting for section widgets
    • New: ability to overwrite core templates (via themes/qreatix/jkd-templates folder)
    • Updated: jkdevkit framework to version 1.3
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: php 8.1 compatibility
    • Updated: localization files
  • ver 1.8.4


    • Fixed: _register_controls method deprecated issue
    • New: single post settings
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: jkdevstudio framework version to 1.2
    • Updated: copyrights
    • Updated: phpdocs
  • ver 1.8.3


    • Deprecated: unused code from the theme dashboard class
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: css/js libraries
  • ver 1.8.2


    • Fixed: woocommerce custom swatches conflict
    • Updated: jkdevkit framework
  • ver 1.8.1


    • Deprecated: legacy optimization handler
    • Fixed: incorrect textdomains
    • Updated: jkdevkit framework
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: localization templates
  • ver 1.8


    • Deprecated: legacy custom fonts panel (new modern panel will be added in 1.8.1)
    • Improved: blog grid handler
    • Improved: global code refactoring
    • Improved: swiper slider handlers
    • Improved: search results page
    • Fixed: small portfolio grid bugs (isotope lib related)
    • Fixed: incorrect ajax shopping cart totals calculating
    • Fixed: incorrect ajax shopping cart item removal
    • Fixed: swiper slider duplication (elementor related)
    • Fixed: bug with portfolio infinite load
    • Fixed: bug with rtl following mouse
    • Fixed: bug with accordions widget content
    • New: (responsive) auto adding srcset/sizes attributes to images
    • New: (optimization) auto adding width/height attributes to images
    • New: (lazy-loading) auto adding lazy loading attribute to images
    • New: added compatibility for lazyline plugin (lazy-load & lqip)
    • New: global tooltips toggle
    • New: dynamic changelog
    • New: theme dashboard
    • Updated: localization files
    • Updated: copyrights
    • Updated: js/css libraries
    • Updated: blog video and audio grid items
    • Updated: button widget slug
  • ver 1.7.8


    • Fixed: default color scheme bug
  • ver 1.7.7


    • Improved: overall typography
    • Improved: theme dashboard styles
    • Updated: js/css libraries
  • ver 1.7.6


    • Improved: single project styles
    • Improved: single project styles
    • Improved: categories catalogue
    • Improved: cart panel handler
    • Fixed: theme dashboard logotype
    • Updated: ti wishlist templates
    • Updated: child theme
  • ver 1.7.5


    • Improved: wishlist styles
    • New: dashboard version 1.4
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: demo import files
  • ver 1.7.4


    • Fixed: activation issues
    • Fixed: activation domain checker bugs
  • ver 1.7.3


    • Fixed: auto-detection color scheme bug
  • ver 1.7.2


    • Fixed: shop header settings issues
    • Fixed: shop fixed filter type issues
    • Fixed: shop sidebar alignment bug
  • ver 1.7.1


    • Improved: color scheme optimization
    • Improved: code refactoring
    • Improved: elementor parallax extension
    • Fixed: lost password url
    • New: auto-detection color scheme
    • New: mobile color scheme switcher
    • Updated: color scheme switcher handler
  • ver 1.7


    • Improved: overall line-height
    • Improved: rtl styles
    • Improved: comments template
    • Improved: code refactoring
    • Improved: accordion widget improvements
    • Improved: events calendar templates
    • Fixed: function duplicates
    • Fixed: shop minimal incorrect styles
    • Fixed: shopping cart issues
    • Fixed: woocommerce alerts issues
    • Updated: js/css libraries
  • ver 1.6.5


    • Fixed: incorrect cart totals
    • Updated: shopping cart
    • Updated: .pot translation files
  • ver 1.6.4


    • Fixed: incorrect post author url
    • Updated: acf plugin
    • Updated: slider revolution plugin
  • ver 1.6.3


    • Updated: theme dashboard styles
  • ver 1.6.2


    • Improved: activation checker
    • Updated: events calendar templates
  • ver 1.6.1


    • Improved: assets optimization
    • New: server-info tab
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
  • ver 1.6


    • Improved: authorization modal styles
    • Improved: authorization modal handler
    • Improved: events calendar styles
    • Improved: image-sizes for mobile
    • Improved: empty wishlist state
    • Improved: empty cart state
    • Improved: footer parts
    • Improved: navigation parts
    • Improved: portfolio/posts grids handler
    • Improved: admin theme dashboard | styles
    • Improved: admin theme dashboard | activation handler
    • Fixed: visual gallery z-index bug
    • New: admin theme dashboard | server info panel
    • New: admin theme dashboard | activation checker
    • New: new “total ajaxify” setting
    • New: empty search results page
    • New: color settings for selection
    • New: recent posts by author
    • New: recent projects by author
    • New: footer simple style
    • New: newsletter successful message
    • Updated: events calendar templates
    • Updated: lqip for page templates
  • ver 1.5.5


    • Fixed: incorrect activation api route
  • ver 1.5.4


    • Fixed: theme-activation bugs
  • ver 1.5.3


    • Improved: blog recent posts
    • Updated: revslider plugin
  • ver 1.5.2


    • Fixed: ajax comments bug
    • Fixed: ajax comments load-more bug
  • ver 1.5.1


    • Improved: cart page
    • Improved: checkout page
    • Fixed: portfolio grid bugs
    • New: server-side activation checker
    • Refactored: js-libraries connecting
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
  • ver 1.5


    • Improved: shopping cart handler
    • New: revolution slider plugin included (save $175)
    • New: gallery slider
    • New: rotated links
    • New: visual gallery
    • New: reveal links
    • Refactored: code quality
    • Security: security options
    • Updated: ti wishlist templates
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
  • ver 1.4.4


    • Improved: custom fonts handler
    • Improved: plyr.js connection
    • Fixed: bug with shop banner (image-type)
    • Fixed: bug with product page top-margin
    • New: page header image type
  • ver 1.4.3


    • Fixed: swiper slider double-connection (via elementor)
    • New: navigation menu custom icons list
    • New: navigation menu settings
  • ver 1.4.2


    • Improved: general optimization
    • Improved: js-libraries connection
    • Improved: css-libraries connection
    • Improved: lqip handler
    • Fixed: accordions widget bugs
  • ver 1.4.1


    • Fixed: mobile navigation margin-top
  • ver 1.4


    • Improved: single portfolio styles/scripts
    • Improved: single post styles/scripts
    • Improved: comments styles/scripts
    • Improved: error page styles
    • Improved: categories catalogue styles
    • Fixed: portfolio-columns incorrect height
    • Fixed: titles-slider hidden items
    • Fixed: letters-showcase hidden items
    • Fixed: interactive-showcase slow animation
    • Fixed: blog grid bugs
    • Fixed: blog grid load-more bugs
    • Fixed: portfolio grid bugs
    • Fixed: portfolio grid load-more bugs
    • Fixed: incorrect product stock messages
    • Fixed: incorrect products grid margin
    • Fixed: extra large woof filter titles
    • Fixed: non-working products infinite-load more
    • Fixed: non-working update cart button
    • Fixed: non-working quantity inputs
    • Fixed: 4-columns product grid layout shift
    • Fixed: 5-columns product grid layout shift
    • New: recent projects cursor pointer
    • New: close button for woocommerce alerts
    • Updated: ti wishlist templates
  • ver 1.3.2


    • Improved: blog optimization
    • Fixed: demo-import incorrect urls
    • New: homepage templates now edit with elementor
    • New: homepage templates filter settings (by categories/tags)
    • Updated: homepage templates
  • ver 1.3.1


    • Improved: page templates editing with elementor
    • Fixed: customizer demo import
  • ver 1.3


    • Improved: search functionality
    • Improved: contact form
    • Improved: php8 compatibility
    • Improved: marquee widget
    • Improved: search functionality
    • Fixed: ajax add to cart issues
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: ti wishlist templates
  • ver 1.2


    • Fixed: not-working customizer settings
    • New: two-side product style
    • New: two-side video product gallery
    • New: individual post settings
    • New: typography settings for small devices
    • Updated: js-libraries
    • Updated: css-libraries
  • ver 1.1.3


    • Fixed: woocommerce demo-import error
    • Updated: demo-import .xml file
  • ver 1.1.2


    • Fixed: incorrect translation strings
    • New: recent posts minimal
    • Refactored: js code refactoring
  • ver 1.1.1


    • Fixed: woocommerce compatibility errors
    • Refactored: assets refactoring
  • ver 1.1


    • Improved: webl shaders connecting
    • Fixed: incorrect “next project” background image
    • Fixed: not-linked project titles (portfolio grid)
    • Fixed: not linked project thumbnails (recent projects)
    • Fixed: project gallery items duplicating
    • Fixed: incorrect comments section height
    • New: recent projects cursor pointer
    • New: product video gallery
    • New: products catalogue page
    • New: contact 02 page
    • New: contact 03 page
    • New: find a store page
    • New: make a refund page
    • Refactored: php code refactoring
    • Updated: woocommerce templates
    • Updated: version labels
  • ver 1.0.2


    • Fixed: invalid text domains
    • Updated: .pot translation files
  • ver 1.0.1


    • Deprecated: alert-messages for reviewers
    • Fixed: link to the demo import files
    • Fixed: link to the core plugin
    • Fixed: auto-update links
  • ver 1.0


    • New: initial theme